Facebook for Business

How to Build your Facebook for Business

Orange County Marketing - Facebook for Business

Since it is Friday and you undoubtedly are ready to get out of the office, we decided we would do a quick blog today about a topic we have previously discussed: Facebook for Business.  Facebook lists 4 simple steps to mastering your business page.

First, build your page.  One of the greatest things about Facebook is that the initial page setup is free.  Make sure that when you are building your page you keep your brand in mind and stay consistent with any other advertising your business currently has out.  You can choose a web address for your Facebook page that is memorable and helps your audience identify with your business.  Choosing a cover photo is also important.  Choose one that truly represents your product or service.

Second, connect with people.  Create Facebook Ads.  While the initial setup of your page is free, Facebook ads are not.  Don’t dismay, for a nominal fee you can reach a ton of potential clients.  You can also test multiple ads to see what ranks better and which ad engages your audience.  You can also measure your performance.

Third, engage your audience.  We preach it over and over, always post relevant, quality content.  Post frequently and change it up.  Photos and videos can help a post and asking questions may help to get people talking.  Comments and likes will get your page seen by more people.  Page Insights (offered by Facebook) helps you to see which posts are doing well and is available once 30 people like your page.

Finally, influence friends of fans.  List special offers, create events and share exclusive information.

We hope you have a great weekend.  At Market to your Market, we can help you build and grow your Facebook Business page.  Contact us today for a free consultation.

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