Quality Content vs. Quantity Content – What Matters Most?
The Importance of Quality Content on your Website, in your Blogs and Everywhere Else!
Quality Content makes a huge difference. Quality vs. Quantity – one of the oldest debates, but when it comes to websites and getting noticed by Google, Bing or Yahoo! – Quality wins, hands down. Search Engines have gotten smart. They know all the tricks. Whether you try to hide keywords in the background of your site or plague the footer of your website with search engine terms, you will not get the results you are looking for. Search Engines want to see relevant content. Nothing is more frustrating to a consumer than clicking on a site that is listed first or second by a search engine and then finding out it is completely irrelevant. I hate to say it, but search engines know. They stay #1 but providing consumers with the sites that they are looking for, by taking a few terms and ranking sites based on how relevant the information is to those few keywords.
So, if someone is trying to sell you on this idea that you can just plague your website with tons of keywords and that will make you rank, think again. It simply does not work. Trust us, once the search engines see what you are doing, your site will drop in ranking faster than you can finish this blog. Always provide quality content that is relevant to the keywords you are hoping your customers are searching for. Your job is to know your business. We will help with the rest. Whether you are hoping to reach the local Orange County Market or hoping to start a national marketing campaign, Market to your Market can help.