SEO Tips and Tricks

3 Things You Should Know About SEO

Orange County SEO

Many people have been worried that new algorithms such as Google Hummingbird killed SEO.  That is simply not true.  The search engines, particularly Google, have just gotten smarter about what they show in their rankings.  They have learned about “Black Hat” SEO and avoid websites that appear to be SPAM.  The old tricks simply don’t work anymore.  SEO, though, is alive and well.

Tip 1 – Target Keywords or those words that are used to search for your services and products should occur naturally throughout the content of your website.  Stuffing of keywords is a quick way to get your website on the SPAM radar and kill your rankings.

Tip 2 – Images, Headings and Meta Tags should include your target keywords.  Again, there is no need to stuff the keywords.  Use them to show Google what your page is about, but don’t overuse.

Tip 3 – Focus on the readability of your content, not on how many times you use a specific keyword.  Google and other search engines want to see that searchers are finding what they are looking for when they visit your site.  A consumer does not want to read repetitive content that doesn’t answer their question.  Always focus on your audience and your consumer instead of how Google will rank your site.

To learn more about SEO and increasing the rank of your website, visit us at Market to your Market.


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